Kristin Bott, DNP, APRN, ACNP-BC
Assistant Professor
Email: kristin.bott@uconn.edu
Dr. Kristin Bott serves as the Track Director for the Adult Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Program at the University of Connecticut. Dr. Bott has been practicing in the acute care practice setting for over 20 years and has served in varying roles and capacities both in the clinical practice setting and in the university.
Dr. Bott began as a staff nurse in the ICU and worked her years as a staff nurse in MICU, CTICU, and Progressive Cardiac units. Dr. Bott graduated with her Acute Care Nurse Practitioner degree from the University of Connecticut in 2011. Post-graduation, Dr. Bott’s clinical role was in electrophysiology and she soon became the manager of the electrophysiology department at her institution. Dr. Bott has also served as the Technical Director of Electrophysiology in the hospital setting.
Dr. Bott remains active in clinical practice in the hospital setting and also serves as advisory council and board member to the Connecticut Chapter of American College of Cardiology. Dr. Bott holds a Doctor of Nursing (DNP) degree and an MS in Acute Care Nurse Practitioner.

Jamie Gooch, DNP, APRN, ACNP-BC
Assistant Professor
Dr. Jamie Gooch is a Board-Certified Acute Care Nurse Practitioner specializing in Adult Critical-Care, as well as an Assistant Clinical Professor in the University of Connecticut’s School of Nursing. She received her BSN from Southern Connecticut State University, MS with the Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Program from the University of Connecticut and graduated with her Doctorate in Nursing Practice in 2019. Dr. Gooch also holds a postgraduate Health Care Professions Teaching Certificate from the University of Connecticut. Her area of expertise is Critical-Care and her scholarly work focuses on ICU Survivorship and PTSD, including the Post-ICU Syndrome and Post-ICU Syndrome-Family. In addition to her clinical pursuits Dr. Gooch is an active member of the American Association of Critical Care Nurses as well as Sigma Theta Tau.

Paulina Lacossade, DNP, APRN, ACNP-BC
Adjunct Faculty
Dr. Paulina Lacossade serves as adjunct faculty for the University of Connecticut. She received her BSN from the University of Rhode Island. She previously worked as a cardiac/medical- surgical nurse. She received a Masters in the Adult- Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner program and her Doctorate in Nursing Practice, both from the University of Connecticut. Dr. Lacossade has worked in hospital medicine and cardiology with a focus in Heart Failure management. She continues to serve as a mentor and educator in the clinical setting. She is also a member of Sigma Theta Tau.

Jessica Palozie, DNP, APRN, ACNP-BC
Assistant Clinical Professor
Dr. Jessica Palozie serves as Assistant Clinical Professor of Nursing at the University of Connecticut's School of Nursing. She received her BSN from Hartwick College, MS with the Acute Care Nurse Practitioner and Doctorate in Nursing Practice from the University of Connecticut, and a poster-master's certificate in Nursing Education from the University of Hartford. Her clinical career in nursing spans twenty years and fifteen years as Board Certified Acute Care Nurse Practitioner. Dr. Palozie has practiced in a variety of clinical areas including cardiology, urgent care, critical care and adult medicine. Dr. Palozie's faculty career began with working with associate degree nursing students and now mentors BSN, MSN and DNP students. She received the Certified Nurse Educator credential in November of 2021. Her clinical scholarship centers on program evaluation of an EBP inclusion course for new graduate nurses and has pursued scholarly inquiry examining the effects of infertility among nurses. Dr. Palozie has been a volunteer peer group leader for Resolve: The National Infertility Awareness. She maintains clinical practice as an ACNP with Hartford Hospital.